Written by  - Saturday, 13 November 2021

Recently, on November 13th, Saigontel and a delegation from Long An province visited and worked in Thai Nguyen province. 

Joining the delegation of Long An province were Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly; Mr. Nguyen Van Ut, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of departments and industries. 

Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of Thai Nguyen province, and Mr. Pham Hoang Son, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and representatives of departments and industries of the province, Thai Nguyen Central Hospital welcomed the delegation of Long An.

On the side of company participating in the meeting, there was Saigon Telecommunications Technology Joint Stock Company (Saigontel), represented by Mr. Dang Thanh Tam - Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Ms. Nguyen Cam Phuong - General Director the company.

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The delegation of Long An province and Saigon Telecommunications Technology Joint Stock Company visited and worked in Thai Nguyen province.

At the meeting, Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee informed a number of contents about the socio-economic development situation of the province, and emphasized that Thai Nguyen province will continue to pay attention implement and support provinces and cities across the country to prevent and control the epidemic, including Long An province.

Mr. Nguyen Van Ut, Chairman of the People's Committee of Long An province also thanked Thai Nguyen province, especially the medical team, doctors for not afraid of dangers, difficulties and hard work to fight the epidemic in Long An.

Also at the meeting, the leaders of the two provinces and businesses wished to continue exchange and cooperation activities in the coming time: especially activities to attract and promote investment and construction of hi-tech industrial zones and clusters, bringing economic value and growth to the locality.

The delegation of Long An province and Saigontel during the day also visited Thai Nguyen Central Hospital, participated in other activities such as visiting the Smart Operation Center of Thai Nguyen province, offering incense to commemorate heroes and martyrs, Planting memorial trees...

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The delegation visited the Smart Operation Center of Thai Nguyen province

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The delegation visited Thai Nguyen Central Hospital

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Incense offering in memory of heroes and martyrs

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